Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Day 22: It Was A Diet-Killing Kind Of Day--But Nothing Died

It was one of those days. You know the one I'm talking about. The kind of day that makes you want to put on a tiny cut, rip up your precious sale, make a movie with David Spade or go live in a van down by the river. Since that didn't work out so well for one of the funniest fat guys to ever grace the big and small screen, so instead I'll call it the kind of day that calls for a bag of Red Vine licorice to snack on while working.

That, and a large chocolate chip frappe.

via Giphy
What am I talking about? This isn't something jut fat guys can relate to. We all have days that we just wish we could crawl back into bed and wish it would go away.

It started with my baby girl waking up early, taking Daddy's phone/alarm, and running off to the loft to watch Mickey Mouse on YouTube. The Academy instilled a deep hatred of being late in me, and it especially applies when it comes to something involving the kids. I'm sure they didn't mind not getting to school till 10 AM, but it bugs the crap out of Daddy.

I was able to make my 10:30 doctor appointment still so that was good. As luck would have it, she had good news. That stomach pain was nothing more serious than either a bruised rib or a pulled abdominal muscle. With the kind of things the PTen thing leaves me susceptible to I was a little concerned at first, so it was nice that it was nothing.

But it wasn't exactly nothing. How did I get a bruised rib or pulled ab muscle I asked? I don't exactly play contact sports anymore, and Jack can hit hard, but not that hard. She says it is the kind of thing that can happen at this weight when you bend a certain way.

Well--that was somewhat of a sobering thought.

From there it was time to get home and get to work finally. By the time, I had my computer booted up it was already past noon. That meant I could work for no more than three hours if I still wanted to get to the gym today, and that would only be to do the bare minimum (which is all I've been doing so far).

But if I don't get work done, I don't make the money that we sorely need.

I know I need the workout. I need lots of workouts. However, at the same time I have to get at least some work done. In the time I had there was no way I could get it all. Some would have to suffice.

Before I knew it, it was time to go get the kids. So I didn't really have to decide to skip the workout. I lost track of time trying to get work done. Anyway...time to get the kids.

That's always a good thing. It does my heart good to see them get excited when I walk up. Today was going to be a little different, though. The ABA center they go to was having an Easter egg hunt. Fun, right? Well--we didn't make it.

It started at 5 so Nikki and I sat out in the van and the kids had cheeseburgers and fries before it started (they get out of school at 4:30). When we brought them back inside, baby girl had a breakdown and didn't want to go inside. She eventually chilled out, but then Jackson insisted on getting carried.

Jackson weighs close to 100 pounds now. He's kind of heavy. I'm strong enough to carry him, but my back says I'm not. Yet, whenever I set him down he immediately wanted to be lifted back up, and if I didn't he started having a breakdown.

For those that don't know me, the kids are autistic so there are a lot of things they don't understand as well as other 5 and 6-year-olds would. It's something we've been dealing with their entire lives so it is nothing new, but every time I see them struggle with something like this it makes my heart want to cry.

Roll that all on top of freelance writing having no future, and I could really go for a bag of Red Vines...or two Asiago cheese bagels with cream cheese....or some peanut butter cups....or a couple star crunches....or a really big steak...or a white cheese and spinach pizza with a couple pitchers of beer...

All sorts of things that kill diets.

Instead, I'm thinking about how I can better organize my day to free up more time in the gym. I don' have a solution yet, but at least I'm not craving Red Vines.

It's a small victory, but after a downer of a day I'll take it.

1 comment:

  1. Heave ho my lads heave ho, it's a long long ways to go....good piece.
