Saturday, March 5, 2016

It Has Begun--and This Time I Mean It!

When I first set up this blog I had a vision of using it to rant and rave about anything I felt like ranting on (hence the 'Mad' part in the name), but I never really got it going. I think it was because the purpose was too broad. It needed to be something I was passionate about, and I am not a 'mad' person by nature so I never felt the need to write it.

It needed to have more of a direction. So I thought about it and thought about it and went to my doctor and thought some more. Then it came to me.

via Giffy
When are fat people mad? When you tell them to go on a diet, take away their food, give them sugar-free candy, and when the skinny hot chick says she'd date a fat guy with a great personality (because you know she's lying).

Oh--and when they sweat.

After years of using chocolate bars and up-sizing value meals to make up for a bad day the last thing we want to do is eat rice cakes or order a salad. Our idea of exercise has been walking to the front door when the pizza man arrives.

Putting on shorts and heading to the gym to >gasp< sweat while the hot girls and the muscle heads snicker is not something we look forward to doing.

So after hearing the doctor say how much I needed to lose weight (not that I didn't know I needed to; when you have to go to a truck stop to weigh in that can't be good) it hit me. Why not document my struggles on my upcoming weight loss journey here?

In the days, weeks, and months to come I am going to have to sweat, eat things that are good for me, and turn candy away. Heck--just thinking about is starting to get me mad.

So--why am I doing this? Because I think there are plenty of fat people out there like me. So maybe if I share my journey they will feel like they can do it too. Maybe they will feel like it is possible to make forward progress.

Maybe they will take a little comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone.

 I also think I can make this kind of funny and entertaining, and I could use a new challenge.

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