Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day One: What's in a Name?

Well, if you are one of the 89 people that have visited the site since I have created it than you have learned one thing about me--my idea of coming soon is pretty relative. Obviously I don't mean coming soon like when the timer on the microwave dings and Mom says dinner will be coming soon.

No, for me soon is more of a relative term like the Jaguars will win the Super Bowl soon or a good tasting diet pizza is coming soon. Anyway...

So--this will not exactly be the start to the diary that I was planning, but I wanted to address something. I've been asked why I'm stealing the name from Tyler Perry. I didn't see the connection at first (dude's Alex Cross didn't hold a candle to Morgan Freeman's), but than someone told me about one of his other flicks.
Well, unless Tyler wants me to change it the title is going to stay as is, but just in case he does I've decided to come up with some alternate titles. Let me know what you think:
  • Living La Vida Hefty
  • I Can't Live Without My Bundt Cake
  • My Fajitas
  • Take it From Me Dieticians Just Don't Understand
  • Me, Myself, and Cream Pie
  • Mama Said Eat Some Steak
  • Ain't No Half-a Sandwich
  • They Say She's Just a Hamburger
  • Life is...Too Fat
  • Bust My Pants Seam
  • Freaks Come Out at Buffett Time
  • Baby's Got (baby) Back (ribs)
  • You've Got to Fight For Your Right to Eat Seconds
  • Holla if You Eat Pie
  • Put Jam on It
Just a few ideas. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has one. My next post will of course be coming 'soon'...
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