Saturday, April 16, 2016

LSU Offensive Lineman Alex Cheramie Proves Fat Guys Can Dance [VIDEO]

Back in high school, when you attended a dance at school there were certain things you could count on seeing. Someone would be making out on the dance floor, someone was bound to show up drunk and make a fool of himself, and there would always be a line of guys standing just off the dance floor watching everyone else.

Among that group, chances were good that a number of the guys that were a little on the hefty side. Why? Well--next to slow dances, fat guys don't dance. When we try to do the running man we get tired, during the cabbage patch we get hungry, and when we break dance--well, we tend to break things.

However, there are some fat guys that can bust a move without busting anything. During LSU's Student Day the team had a dance off. As it turns out, 280-pound Alex Cheramie has some good moves:


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